Resolution No. 7/2012

Resolution No. 7/2012 on the Manner of Repairing Real Property Faults and Physical Defects

On 12 March 2015 at the meeting of all Owners of “Marina Mokotów” Residential Community, the Community Board of Management was obliged to conclude voting on Resolution No. 7/2012 on the Manner of Repairing Faults and Physical Defects of the Common Property and on the Way of Defraying Respective Expenses.

We inform that adopting this resolution and collecting enough number of assignment agreements will allow the Community Board of Management to bring an action before a court against the Developer in order to obtain compensation for physical defects of the common property. As a result, the Community may get PLN 3 421 192.79 for defraying expanses of terraces’ renovation (already carried out) and for repairing next terraces that have been reported as defective. Notices to pay (totalling to this sum) have been sent to Fort Mokotów Sp. z o.o. in liquidation.

If the resolution is not adopted, the Community will have to finance renovations out of Repair and Renovation Reserve – which means – out of owners’ money. Therefore we appeal to all owners who have not yet voted for the resolution and have not returned Assignment Agreements to cast their votes without undue delay. Fort Mokotów Company is close to concluding their liquidation process, while it is the only party that the Community may claim damages from.

We kindly ask the owners who have not yet cast their vote to do so in favour of Resolution No. 7/2012. We also ask them to submit their Assignment Agreemnts in three copies (they constitute an integral part of the Resolution).