New regulations on personal data processing – GDPR

Starting on 25 May 2018, Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU) on Personal Data Protection will be in force. Marina Mokotów Residential Community is the administrator of your personal data. According to the Act, every administrator of personal data has certain obligations connected with personal data protection. Integrum Management sp. z o.o. is the entity processing your personal data on the basis on the agreement with the Community. We kindly ask your Owners to express their consent by submitting “Consent to Personal Data Processing for Community Members”.

Please deliver the consent form to the estate administration
at ul. Warowna 1 in Warsaw (in person, by letter or e-mail).

Documents following the Annual Meeting of the Community

On 9 March 2017, the Annual Meeting of Marina Mokotów Residential Community in Warsaw took place.
In the attached documents you will find: a detailed review of the terms of Agreement with Dom Development, minutes of the Meeting and a ballot paper. The set of original documents is available at after logging into owner’s account.

Meeting of Marina Mokotów Residential Community 9 March 2017

According to the provisions of the Act on Ownership of Premises, acting as Manager of the Marina Mokotów Residential Community, we are calling a meeting of premises’ owners. The meeting will take place on 9 March 2017 at 6 pm in Sangate Hotel Airport (former Gromada), ul. 17 Stycznia 32.

Please find attached the detailed account of our operations last year and our proposals for 2017 concerning renovation and financing of respective services.

Based on last year’s financianesl data, we have prepared a business plan for the next year.

High-speed fiber optical connection is being installed in the estate

Dear Sirs,

Please be informed that a high-speed fiber optical connection is being installed by Orange in the estate.
The optical fiber of speed up to 600 Mb/s of will greatly improve the quality of internet service.

Bearing your comfort in mind, we asked for a specialist to be designated to service our estate.

Ms. Anna Wala – mobile no. 513 361 740

– will answer any queries you might have without the need to call the regular helpline.

Moreover, following our negotiations with the operator, every client from the estate will receive a retail voucher of 200 PLN value.

Marina Mokotów Family Picnic

On the 11th of June, a Family Picnic took place at the grounds of Marina Mokotów estate. It was an occasion to begin barbecue season this year. We grilled delicacies provided by, a new on-line delicatessen.

Children also had lots of fun: they could choose between organised activities, balloons or darts.

The picnic took place at the green area by the lake. Everybody was in a great mood, the weather was good and many residents sunbathed on the lakeside.

Information on the Annual Meeting of the Community

On 31 March 2016, the meeting of Marina Mokotów Residential Community in Warsaw took place. Please find attached the meeting’s minutes as well as ballot cards.

In the course of the meeting, the resolutions listed in the meeting’s agenda were presented and discussed. The owners that were present accepted the resolutions as originally presented to you in meeting’s documents to be voted on.

1. Resolution No. 01/2016 percentage of residents who cast their votes 10.7 FOR 10.5% AGAINST 0.0%
2. Resolution No. 02/2016 percentage of residents who cast their votes 10.7 FOR 10.5% AGAINST 0.1%
3. Resolution No. 03/2016 percentage of residents who cast their votes 10.5 FOR 10.4% AGAINST 0.1%
4. Resolution No. 04/2016 percentage of residents who cast their votes 10.5 FOR 10.3% AGAINST 0.2%
5. Resolution No. 05/2016 percentage of residents who cast their votes 10.3 FOR 9.9% AGAINST 0.4%
6. Resolution No. 06/2016 percentage of residents who cast their votes 10.1 FOR 10.1% AGAINST 0.0%

The Community Board of Management and the law office of Mr. Szmigiel discussed provisions of the Agreement between Marina Mokotów Community and Fort Mokotów sp. z o.o. in liquidation. It was pointed out that in order for this Agreement to come into force it is necessary for Community members to adopt respective resolutions before the deadline of 30 August 2016. It is equivalent to obtaining by Community members the amount of damages due for defective balconies and terraces.

It pertains to the following resolutions:

Resolution No. 07/2016 on accepting the agreements on transfering claims for implied warranty for defects on the Community
Resolution No. 08/2016 on giving consent for reaching a settlement with Fort Mokotów

Further voting on resolutions shall take place via individual collection of votes, according to Art. 23 of the Polish Act on Ownership of Premises. Owners who cast their votes at the meeting are asked to cast their votes individually only on Resolution No. 07/2016 and Resolution No. 08/2016.

We therefore ask you to sign the ballot card and deliver/send it to administration or to mail it (a letterbox is located at the entrance to administration office). Also, you may drop the ballot cards that are filled in the return letter box in your building. Letterboxes are going to be regularly checked by administration staff.

Welcome to our new web page!

You are welcomed on our new web page. We are sure that it will allow for better communication between us.

Meeting of Marina Mokotów Residential Community 31 March 2016

According to the provisions of the Act on Ownership of Premises, acting as Manager of the Marina Mokotów Residential Community, we are calling a meeting of premises’ owners. The meeting will take place on 31 March 2016 at 6 pm in Hotel Gromada, ul. 17 Stycznia 32.

Please find attached the detailed account of our operations last year and our proposals for 2016 concerning renovation and financing of respective services.

Resolution No. 7/2012

Resolution No. 7/2012 on the Manner of Repairing Real Property Faults and Physical Defects

On 12 March 2015 at the meeting of all Owners of “Marina Mokotów” Residential Community, the Community Board of Management was obliged to conclude voting on Resolution No. 7/2012 on the Manner of Repairing Faults and Physical Defects of the Common Property and on the Way of Defraying Respective Expenses.

We inform that adopting this resolution and collecting enough number of assignment agreements will allow the Community Board of Management to bring an action before a court against the Developer in order to obtain compensation for physical defects of the common property. As a result, the Community may get PLN 3 421 192.79 for defraying expanses of terraces’ renovation (already carried out) and for repairing next terraces that have been reported as defective. Notices to pay (totalling to this sum) have been sent to Fort Mokotów Sp. z o.o. in liquidation.

If the resolution is not adopted, the Community will have to finance renovations out of Repair and Renovation Reserve – which means – out of owners’ money. Therefore we appeal to all owners who have not yet voted for the resolution and have not returned Assignment Agreements to cast their votes without undue delay. Fort Mokotów Company is close to concluding their liquidation process, while it is the only party that the Community may claim damages from.

We kindly ask the owners who have not yet cast their vote to do so in favour of Resolution No. 7/2012. We also ask them to submit their Assignment Agreemnts in three copies (they constitute an integral part of the Resolution).